Stand Pack 18m2 Corner,,en,Stands that evolve with your needs,,fr,from 8575 € ht - Holiday Rental,,fr,starting from 3095 € excl tax,,fr

Avec ce système de cadres tout est possible…

Les stands pack clé en main sont des solutions évolutives et multi-configurations qui permettent d’adapter vos surfaces d’exposition en fonction des événements. Construction solide et montage rapide pour un design aux finitions soignées.

Des stands qui évoluent au fil de vos besoins !

Purchase,,fr,€ HT,,en,Location,,en : à partir de 8575€ ht – Location : à partir de 3095€ ht


Discover our exhibition stand project, an innovative solution to maximize your presence at exhibitions. Our team of experienced stand designers have created a bespoke design that showcases your brand and catches the attention of visitors from all angles. Thanks to our expertise in designing exhibition spaces, we have optimized the use of available space to provide an immersive and captivating experience. Our Pack 18m2 Corner stand combines functionality and aesthetics, with eye-catching visual elements and strategic layout to encourage interactions. Book our trade show corner stand now and stand out from the competition at your next event.